April 28, 2023

Entering adulthood


Kenna Anyaeche

Kenna reflects on entering the workforce and finding the right role - even if it means straying from "the plan"

It was around 6 months ago when I woke up at 5:30am for my first ever 9-5. Though I was excited to meet new people and work my way up the corporate ladder, it was one of the most challenging things I have had to do. On the overly crowded tube home, my stomach churned not only by the smell of stale BO in a cramped and hot train but also at the thought that this was going to be the rest of life - or at least my foreseeable future.

But I don't say this to scare you. I say this to relate to you, because it is exactly how I and so many other people feel once leaving the safety net that university provided. It’s the realisation that being an adult is a real thing, and we all unfortunately must become one. The transition from being a student to a full-fledged tax-paying citizen can be difficult and takes time to get used to, but this period of your life can be a chance to start shaping who you are. You get to decide who you want to be, what dreams turn into reality, and who you will be in the next 10-20 years. Everything is up to you.

Knowing that the fashion industry was where I wanted to be, fresh out of uni I had stumbled into a merchandising job that gave me some valuable experience but didn’t feel like it was the right role for me. 

I had a decision to make; stay for the sake of job security and because it’s where I thought I needed to be, or leave to find something that aligned more with me. I chose the latter, entering the world of PR, and I haven’t looked back.

When ambivalence becomes opportunity

Having studied International Relations at uni, I was quite media-aware before entering the role (well that, and being consistently updated with a mixture of ASMR videos and news updates through Tiktok). So when I researched the graduate role at Fanclub, what instantly intrigued me was the creativity of the campaigns and a major part of the company’s ethos - being curious.

This curiosity aligned so perfectly with my state of mind at that point of time; curiosity to learn, for experience, and to enter a world I didn't really know anything about. And just like family, they welcomed me in. 

I haven’t been at Fanclub for that long, but I have already learnt so much. Not only about business and PR, but also about myself and the fact that I can genuinely achieve anything I want. I am still a fashion fanatic, and here at Fanclub I have been provided with opportunities and tools to nurture this passion and grow my knowledge of the industry. I’ve also been able to hone my communication skills and have been given a new understanding of the power my writing can have to influence. I’ve enjoyed thinking creatively about how to work with current social and political events and reflecting more widely about how brand-awareness is built. 

I would tell any graduate starting a new job, don't be afraid to be curious, question your decisions and to step out of your comfort zone- that is where true living occurs.

The Next Chapter

Since working at Fanclub I have come to realise that PR is a major part of business, and that these skills that I have been taught have become an extremely important part of my day-to-day life. PR can be exciting and fun but can also be done with purpose. The mixture of play with positive impact has been something that makes me passionate to continue and grow within the field of PR.

6 months ago I was sitting on a stuffy tube holding my breath whilst I contemplated whether I had made the right decision and questioned if I would regret straying from the path that I thought was meant for me. 6 months later I am working alongside some enthusiastic individuals in a career that I genuinely enjoy and have a growing passion for. 

In this next chapter, I’m going to continue to trust my gut and not put myself in a box. I’m looking forward to learning more and, of course, having some fun along the way!

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